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Marathe Achievers : Preface

Just a few words

The peculiarity of the Chitpavans to compile the ‘Kulavruttants’ has been instrumental in keeping the record of the deeds, achievements and accomplishments of the members of their respective clans. This would help the sociologists and anthropologists in their study of the human race and its progression, in a limited way though. Besides, such kulvruttants find a very limited readership restricted mainly to the people with related surname. When we decided to give a makeover to the website of the ‘Marathe Pratishthan’, one thought struck us all. And that was about having a list of the eminent personalities of our clan on the website. An argument which could be put up by some, would have been that ‘Hitguj’, the mouthpiece of the Pratishthan, had already published articles on many such persons from time to time. However the readership of Hitguj is limited and as the maxim goes, ‘Public memory is short’.

This prompted us to have a collection of the articles or rather the life sketches of such eminent achievers from our clan, who had been the mile stones in their respective fields over the last century, The idea also was that the younger generation which has been the recipient of most of the comforts of life due to advancement of the technology particularly over the last two decades, should be aware of the difficult times and adversities faced by their ancestors in overcoming the impediments coming in their path to success. A list of some such achievers has been published at the end of the Marathe Kulvruttant.


Who are they?

The compilation of list of these 50 odd individuals has been made from the list in Kulvruttant and the articles published in ‘Hitguj’ from time to time. A study of the list would reveal that there is hardly any field untouched by us. Though this is not an attempt to express supremacy of any race over others, we are proud to be a part of a clan of intellectuals. This is evident from the fact that we have 3 individuals who have patents in their names, 3 individuals connected with the atomic research, 4 individuals who are / had been in Services. Apart from this, there are singers, stage and television artists, painters, commercial artists, poets, writers, scientists, doctors, engineers, industrialists, builders, jewelers, CAs, lawyers and Police personalities. The alphabetical listing includes the names, the field of operation, the page from kulvruttant (KV Page) where one can find the information about the individual and the place of stay. We are still in the process of compilation of the life sketches. The click on the icon in the last column of ‘Details’ would enable the readers to view the life sketch of the individual. The absence of the icon denotes that the life sketch is still under compilation. We express our gratitude towards these individuals who, with their accomplishments, have brought glory to our clan.