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Future Plan

Getting Techsavy

In keeping pace with ever changing field of technology, the modes of communication between the Pratishthan and its members need to change. It is planned to create a database with communication and other details of the members like the landline and/or ‘cell numbers’, E-mail ids thereby increasing the periodicity and frequency of communication and cutting down heavily on the cost of such communications. Later on such information can be updated by members by logging in to the website.

Online Yellow Pages

To create separate online directory of Entrepreneurs and self employed individuals thereby providing employment assistance to the needy in the wider family of Marathes.

Registration U/S 80G

The process of collecting maximum funds for the noble causes as stated in the objectives, should also be of some consequence to the donors. Thus it has been our endevour to make the benefits available under the Public Trust act and section 80G of Income tax act to the prospective donors whereby the collection of funds will witness manifold increase resulting in reasonable amounts being available for aid under various schemes.

Increasing Youth Participation

To make available a platform to the youth among the Marathe Clan to enable them to exhibit their academic, cultural as well as literary talents.

Kulavruttant in Webdatabase

To make available the Marathe Kulavruttant on the website ‘’. This form of the kulavruttant would ensure availability of information required at a click of a mouse. The information would be totally dynamic. The software would achieve absolute ease of acceptance of data about their families from individual members and will be able to provide most recent information with ease and with many analytical tools enabling the availability of demographic and statistical information of varied nature. Only underlying factor is the spontaneity and enthusiasm of the members in providing such information. Interestingly only the information, desired to be made public by the member, will be made available to public domain whereas rest of the information will not be disclosed to the non-members. All those who intend to offer any suggestions/ need any clarifications in this regard should contact the treasurer and Managing committee member Shri. Shriniwas Marathe in this respect. (Email-id:, Mobile no: 9833216468).