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Getting Techsavy

In keeping pace with ever changing field of technology, the modes of communication between the Pratishthan and its members need to change. It is planned to create a database with communication.

Online Yellow Pages

To create separate online directory of Entrepreneurs and self employed individuals thereby providing employment assistance to the needy in the wider family of Marathes.


To make available the Marathe Kulavruttant on the website ‘’. This form of the kulavruttant would ensure availability of information required at a click of a mouse.

The story goes back to March 1979. It so happend that two Marathes, one from Mumbai and another from Calcutta met in Baroda and experienced the thrill after finding each other to be sharing the same surname. A special bond got established between them. The feeling developed into a concept of providing a platform to all ‘Marathe’s to come together and share such joyous moments. The idea was readily accepted by a well-known industrialist Shri. Sureshbhau Marathe of ‘Marathe Udyog’ who shouldered the responsibility to fund the activities and took initiative in formation of a trust called ‘Marathe Pratishthan’. Without any waste of time, a standing committee designed the ‘Constitution’ and ‘Manual’ of the Pratishthan.

The story goes back to March 1979. It so happend that two Marathes, one from Mumbai and another from Calcutta met in Baroda and experienced the thrill after finding each other to be sharing the same surname. A special bond got established between them. The feeling developed into a concept of providing a platform to all ‘Marathe’s to come together and share such joyous moments. The idea was readily accepted by a well-known industrialist Shri. Sureshbhau Marathe of ‘Marathe Udyog’ who shouldered the responsibility to fund the activities and took initiative in formation of a trust called ‘Marathe Pratishthan’. Without any waste of time, a standing committee designed the ‘Constitution’ and ‘Manual’ of the Pratishthan.

Getting Techsavy

In keeping pace with ever changing field of technology, the modes of communication between the Pratishthan and its members need to change. It is planned to create a database with communication.

Online Yellow Pages

To create separate online directory of Entrepreneurs and self employed individuals thereby providing employment assistance to the needy in the wider family of Marathes.


To make available the Marathe Kulavruttant on the website ‘’. This form of the kulavruttant would ensure availability of information required at a click of a mouse.