In order to achieve the objectives targeted to be achieved by the Pratishthan, various committees were formed to make the Pratishthan more inclusive by providing opportunities to maximum members. The said committees were as follows:
1) Educational Assistance Committee
2) Committee for promoting
3) Medical assistance Committee
4) Women’s Wing
5) Committee for Cultural Affairs,
6) Kulavruttant Committee
7) Hitguj Publication Committee
Right from its inception, there have been 9 all India conferences of the members of the Pratishthan. They were as listed below:
a) 1980: January 26,27 at Goa
b) 1980: October 26, at Dadar, Mumbai
c) 1986: February 22, 23, at Mulgaon, Goa
d) 1987: November 21, 22, at Pune
e) 1996: January 19, 20, at Pune
f) 1997: October 4, 5, at Ratnagiri
g) 2003: December 22 to 24, At Pune
h) 2005: April 30, May 1, at Goa
i) 2009: May 1 to 3, at Durg, Karnataka
j) 2016: January 23, 24 at Sangli
k) 2018: January 7th at Badode, Gujrat
Arranged 92 seminars and discussion forums including Medical Seminars, cultural programs, training camps for volunteers, Seminars for self employed members, seminars to provide professional guidance and get-togethers of members.
The first edition of the Marathe Kulavruttant was published in 1945. The committee felt dire need to revise and update the genealogical information of various Marathe Families.
The mouthpiece of the Pratishthan, ‘Hitguj’ is being regularly published as a tri-monthly ever since 1981 with some gap in 1992-1994. Consequently the December 2014 issue is the 100th issue of the said periodical.
Appreciation of his achievements’ is a basic need of any individual, and more so for the young ones. The Pratishthan has recognized this fact and provides cash prizes and scholarships to the deserving students.
Members are also provided with financial aid for Medical treatment. However in view of ever increasing cost of medical treatment, such aid is not enough, though it lessens the financial burden to some extent.
A website ‘marathepratishthan.org’ was designed and developed by Shri Madhav V. Marathe in 2004, to provide as a medium of communication between the members and to update the members and donors about the matters related to the Pratishthan.