Objectives of the Pratishthan
The broadly important objectives of the Pratishthan are as follows

To extend financial assistance, technical and professional guidance and educational facilities to needy Marathes and organise related programmes.

In order to instil sense of mutual co-operation, organize conferences, discussions, debates, regional gatherings, camps and felicitation ceremonies etc.

To aspire and strive for overall development and prosperity of Marathes and to the extent possible, take all necessary measures for achieving this object.

In order to increase financial strength of Marathe Pratishthan, collect funds, donations, contributions and awards etc. on such conditions which do not harm interests and objects of the Pratishthan.

To publish updated version of ‘Marathe Kulavruttant’ [book containing family trees of the clan and brief details of ancestors and living members].

To print, publish and distribute the mouthpiece of the Pratishthan ‘Hitguj’ and to run a publishing house for that purpose, if necessary.

In view of the foregoing objectives, extend all the facilities and conveniences meant for Marathes, to persons other than ‘Marathe’s, in conformity with the limits and rules laid down by the Pratishthan.